Matthew 11:29 ” Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways, and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. 30 For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” (TPT)
In Wec Intl it is quite normal for missionaries to take a sabbatical rest to transition into the country and find a home and re-orient themselves. Whilst we have lived in the USA before, we are still feeling slightly the culture shock that is quite normal. Because 6yrs on, things have changed, and Covid has changed many things around our world.
We continue to find it difficult to buy a house as the market is still rather crazy, with many people wanting to live in South Carolina from other states. The houses are also overpriced, and demand is pushing them up. We have managed to find a website that sells manufactured prefabs that have either been ordered and not bought or repossessed for non-payment. So, the plan now is to find a plot of land and buy one of these houses and put it on the lot. The land has to be what they call perked for a septic tank and graded as most are wooded lots. Do the ‘Munford’s’ ever do anything straightforward? 🙂
We are patiently waiting for God to show us what to do, happily hanging out at our friends’ house. And as we go about our lives, there is never a shortage of people each day that the Holy Spirit highlights for a word of knowledge or prayer. Kylie was working in a cafe when I saw the word ‘children over her. She just qualified as a psychologist and wasn’t sure where God was leading her to work. The penny dropped when I mentioned children. She loves working with children.
A few weeks ago, our friends took us to a Cuban restaurant. I asked the Holy Spirit for a word for the owner. Lissy is a lovely, bubbly lady with a heavy Spanish accent. I kept seeing the word ‘drowned’. I asked God to let me deliver the word even though she was so busy. As we walked out, I spoke to her about it and asked her if it meant anything. She said it didn’t really, so I told her I had heard God wrong. We went on our way and started a conversation in the car park. We were chatting with four young people, and as I was walking to our friends’ car. Lissy came out and told me that her husband, who was in the kitchen, told her that his brother had drowned in his own vomit (sorry for the mind pictures) 🙂 I was able to go to the kitchen and pray for him. God loves to bring healing and direction if we say “Yes!” to him wherever we’re at. Jackie was walking her dog in the park where we walk Izzy, our Cockapoo. I heard the name Cora and asked Jackie if it meant anything. She told me about a child in her neighbourhood named Cora, but she doesn’t have time for her as she is busy with her 100yr old mother. I prophesied over her and told her that she might be more involved in her life than she is at present. We have many more testimonies of what God is doing whilst we are on ‘Sabbatical’. Chris prophesied in December over a young guy in the church we attend sometimes. We saw him a couple of weeks back only to find that all that Chris had said about where he would work and what he would do was all fulfilled.
Let’s continue to keep being compassionate to those who still have doubts, and snatch others out of the fire to save them. (Jude v22 TPT)
Thanks for being our faithful, praying friends. We love who you are and what you do for us. We continue to pray that you will all be safe.
Blessings and love,
Linda and Chris