It’s the close of a chapter for us in Portugal, but the beginning of a new one in the USA. It’s such fun to see how God leads us. And, when we look back at how he has done it, it makes us smile. We never relinquished our green cards and have been back to the USA on three occasions with quite a long time between each. This can be construed as ‘abandonment’, and the green card could have been revoked. But, we always thought that God hadn’t finished with us there.

As we close up here, God has been so kind as to show us some of the fruit from seeds sown during our time of doing evangelism as we walked the beach.  We also got to hear from a pastor of one of the churches that we ministered in. He said they had a meeting a couple of weeks back and they talked about our time here. He said ‘they all remembered us with a smile which does represent a great deal of the way we remember you’ 🙂 He said “Keep on inspiring others as you did for us in Portugal and in our church”


You may remember Adriana and her mother, Rosario. While we were in the States, I was able to have a phone call with Adriana, and she told me that she had many questions about God. I said that if she invited Jesus to live in her heart and start afresh with Him, all of her questions would be answered.  She also told me that there were ‘bad spirits’ tormenting her mother.

Adriana gave her life over to Jesus and told me she felt so light and happy. I told her that her first assignment with Jesus would be to pray for her mother and to tell the ‘bad spirits’ to leave in Jesus’s name. I didn’t hear from her again until yesterday (March 12th), quite a while after we returned to Portugal.  


It was a cold, blustery typical March day. Rosario been worshipping God and noticed us from the other end of the beach. She ran all the way to catch up with us. It was such a joy to see her. She told us that the problems with the bad spirits went after Adriana prayed for her and told them to leave and that she was so happy that the Holy Spirit was living inside her.

I spoke to Adriana last evening, and she told me she is doing well, but she still has lots of questions about God. I told her that I do too.  🙂

Rosario came running up the beach to find us.

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Go West!

God spoke to us both through different books we were reading since we came back to Portugal. We have had the green light move back to the States from our field here in Portugal and from the Wec Uk sending base and the Wec USA base. Twenty-one people in all have seen the rightness of this move. This is how we know that it’s God and not just us. 

Our ministry has closed down in Portugal due to covid and churches not being allowed to remain open. The USA folks have asked us to join the mobilisation team, which we are familiar with. We realised that this enables us to embrace all that we had in mind to do because whilst mobilising the Church and colleges and schools, we can continue to pray, prophesy and minister in the Supernatural power of Jesus. Bring healing, reconciliation and revival. God has gifted us with evangelism, and we organically bring the Kingdom wherever we go, whether in a coffee bar, a store, a school, or any place.

We fly out on the 6th of April, and our friends in Georgia have said that we can stay in a small house they have on their farm. Our other good friends there have given us a car. We have more dear friends in South Carolina who are already gathering things to set us up in a house once we find something to rent there.

We will not be taking very much with us except our little dog and cat 🙂 and some clothing. We are in the process of giving things away and saying ‘Goodbye’ to our team and a couple of friends, ready to begin the new chapter. Please pray that our transition would be smooth. Thank you all for your kindness and prayers. We will be in touch soon after we land. 

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