During this time of lockdown, my thoughts are turning more and more to the frailty of life. My heart cries out to God for those who have lost loved ones, for those whose loved ones are dying alone apart from a devoted nurse or doctor, who is but a stranger. As I’m sure, we are all feeling the same way and thinking similar thoughts, yet God continually pours out his love, continuously helps us to see through the mire of sadness and grief, his constant outpouring of love. Love is being shown to us from heaven in the little signposts if we can lift our eyes out of the onslaught of sad and negative news that is 24/7 right now.
We have such a great privilege of being able to live in a rural setting not far from a small beach where we can exercise each day. We rarely see anyone, as I mentioned in our last blog, but there are the odd occasions when we get to pass by someone. We saw a young couple coming towards us two or three days back, and they stopped when we began to talk to them. They were genuinely interested in us and wondered why we said “Bom Dia” to them. As we kept our distance, we chatted more and started to prophesy over them. Erika became aware of the Presence of God and began to weep; she told us that she was a Christian and so wished that Jorge, her husband was a believer. Still keeping our distance, we prayed for Jorge that Jesus would reveal himself to him.
Jorge is Scandinavian, and Erika is Brazilian. She has a sweet smiling face, a joyful personality. She’s easy to speak to, and at the off, we felt we had been friends forever. Jorge is curious and cautious. He is aware that we are different, and in his eyes, it was easy to see that he was questioning this divine connection that his wife had with us within a few minutes of meeting. He said that he is open and wants to believe, but he is analytical and has a mathematical mind.
A couple of days ago, we saw a wine bottle that someone had left on the beach. It had a simple label with a picture of three musicians playing their instruments. We just happened to be standing in the place where the bottle was still lying. We thought it was rather odd as most things are swept back into the sea daily. Chris pointed it out to Jorge and asked him what he thought the three musicians were doing. He said he felt they were worshipping God. Chris asked him what are the mathematics of this divine meeting and the bottle still being there after two days.
The whole thing touched him, and he also began to well up. It was such a beautiful thing to experience. There is nothing more significant than to bring another person into a divine encounter with God.
God left His lovehearts for us.
Today the tide was going out, and so much more of what is under the sea was being revealed. Can you believe it? Love hearts written into fossilised rocks. Natural ways, spiritual signposts is the way He desires to speak, to show us his heart, in the small and unassuming ways. He loves to encourage us and spur us on to continue in faith even though times are so complicated and scary right now.
I love the book of Romans, especially in chapter eight. The Passion Translation puts it this way in verse 22. To this day, we are aware of the universal agony and groaning of creation as if it were in the contractions of labour for childbirth. Verse 23 And it’s not just creation. We who have already experienced the first fruits of the Spirit also inwardly groan as we passionately long to experience our full status as God’s sons and daughters-including our physical bodies being transformed. (TPT)
We are all waiting in anticipation for Jesus to invade our day, this moment, our nighttime dreams, and yes, our world. Meanwhile, in the ebb and flow of life, he is painting an intricate picture, even love hearts on memorial stones along the way. We need to be attentive and open to see them and the signposts he leaves along the journey for each of us.
Until the next time. Stay safe and well.