Our Dear Friends,

Here in Portugal, we are in what the government has deemed as a ‘State of emergency’. We are trapped in our homes unless we need the doctor, a pharmacy, to walk the dog, or do some shopping, as many of us are around the world. And we understand the need for this in light of the current situation. I’m not sure if it’s quite the same in the UK? We are probably in a good place right now and are doing all we can to keep in touch with our neighbours and just let them know that we care and love them.

We have been going to the beach each morning to ‘hang out with God’ and find some solace in the midst of panic and fear. Jesus is life when everything is spinning out of control. I’ve even asked myself and Jesus, could it be time for His return?

Yesterday, as we enjoyed the waves, they seemed to be skipping and playing with us, as in a dance. I felt I heard the Spirit of God say to me, to me, “the tide is turning.” I wondered what He meant, and he answered me in a way I wasn’t expecting. He said; “don’t take the easy way’. I thought of Peter as he walked on water, he got out of the boat and failed. His failure, however, was only temporary. At least he tried. And we know that he went on to lead a life of boldness, without fear of man. He was impulsive, self-assertive, and quick to commit without fully understanding the actions or meanings of Jesus’ words.
This morning in my alone time with Jesus, He was gracious to confirm what he was saying to me yesterday. “Beloved, when you’re in the middle of a test or unpleasant circumstance, don’t look for a quick exit. I know how difficult it is. I understand that sometimes it makes you want to run away and forget everything… I promise you will come out of this full of favour and light. I call you to be content in the process, without needing an explanation that satisfies your impatience.” (I hear His whisper- Brian Simmons)

Anyone who knows us knows how difficult it is for two extroverts to be cooped up together and not able to get out there with people. It feels like overwhelming grief inside. It seems compounded when you’re in a foreign country, not able to converse fully, and not knowing what’s really going on around you. It’s just not acceptable or normal to be alone, because we are a community (common unity). So, when we go to the beach which is usually deserted, but sometimes we do see someone and are very quick to wave and say; “Bom Dia”! It’s incredible how great it feels, to hear and see their response when they reply and wave back, albeit from afar. At least it is a way of connecting. Any contact is good right now.

I was asking God how else we can connect with people, our neighbours here, people we don’t even know or have never met. I felt He was asking me to write a love letter from him. Well, that’s not hard; the whole of the bible is a love letter from God. But I didn’t want it to be a ‘religious’ letter. I wanted them to feel loved and known by God. That they are unique to him and belong to him, they have had enough of religion. Just after I heard ‘write a love letter’, a parcel came in the mail that I’d been waiting for. On the box (below) it said, ‘Love Letter’! Wow!

So, I wrote the way I felt He was guiding me; I quoted John 3:16 from the Passion Translation. I also told them that God didn’t send this virus to judge them and that He will bring us all through this. I also told them that in Psalm 120:1 that whoever is desperate, that God longs for them to call upon him and he will help them and deliver them from their struggles.
We prayed as I attached a small yellow flower to each letter. I love yellow flowers. I feel that they bring hope and are a great way to express feelings of joy, friendship and positivity. It fits perfectly with the emotions that we feel at this time of year as the days become longer, the weather warmer and new optimism coming into bloom.
No matter what is happening, we are to be people of hope and extend that hope to those that can’t see past the fear and panic, and hopelessness.

Last night I received a lovely text message from one of the neighbours that I haven’t even met. Mariana told me that she was so touched by the letter and that today, more than ever she is convinced that God sends angels to earth and that she is so full of gratitude to have neighbours like us. She also said that she is more than happy to help us should we need anything.

Friends, please keep in touch. Let us know how to pray for you. Call us on Zoom, messenger, whatsapp, or email us. We would love to hear your testimonies and prayer points.

We love you! God bless you and keep you safe.

With our love,

Linda and Chris

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