This lovely lady (Carina) would like me to share her testimony with you.

Carina came to the chuch about a month back. She was feeling desperate and discouraged, with no income or hope of getting a job. She wept as we prayed for her. I (Linda) prophesied over her and made a declaration that she would be in a position of abundance and able to earn an income in the next week. I also felt that she would receive a tax rebate.

I hadn’t seen her again as we were in the UK visiting our new grandson, but she was in church yesterday. Her face was beaming, she looked so different, happy and confident. She explained what had happened since we last met. 

The very next week, ‘suddenly’, she started to receive many calls and emails asking for her services as a babysitter. She had set up a website and a facebook page months ago, but had no response up until the word was declared and prophesied over her. Her accountant came to her in the same week and told her, “you have a tax rebate Carina”!

She told her husband about the rebate and that she had already been told by someone in the church that she would receive it. He was a bit sceptical and is not yet a believer. But, nonetheless, he went to the church with her the following week. Please pray for Carlos to have his very own encounter with Jesus. 

Provision for missions

The pastor yesterday announced that 2019 was a bumper year for giving to missions. It has been the best year where people have given sacrificially to our missionaries in Luxembourg, Gunea Bissau, Cape Verde, and Madrid.

We love to hear from God for others’ and are so blessed when He brings His word into being. 

I’d like to introduce you all to Eliana. She’s an amazing lady from Brazil. We met her when we first came to Portugal. We saw the calling on her life as a missionary while she was studying at a bible college here.  We lost touch a bit and then a year ago, she contacted us as she was interested in becoming a missionary to Madrid working amongst muslims. WEC has a large team there. To cut a long story short, we encouraged her to look into WEC and on Friday she will leave to go Switzerland to complete the training. Please pray for provision for her and for her to feel part of our large worldwide family. 

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