Dear Family,
In over 26 years of ministry, Chris and I have given our lives to pastor and mentor, mobilize and reach those that God has sent us to in Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, USA, Madrid, Portugal and back to the USA.
For the past eight months, the Lord planted us in the Easley/Greenville area, specifically Easley South Carolina. This month we are formally launching Healing ministries and Evangelism, South Carolina.
What have we been doing the past 6 months?
Though we now live in the USA, Chris and I approached ministry here as cross-cultural missionaries. The language is English yet quite different especially here in the South. We have focused on building relationships, then adapted our training and past experience to minister in this unique community. We essentially learned a new way of life.
We feel like God is re-launching us not re-tiring us. The right neighbourhood and church had to be found, church infrastructure and leadership had to be built, and resources needed to be gathered. Now after all of our years of diligent training, building, and saving—we are ready!
Welcome home, Easley/Greenville.
Easley/Greenville is like no other place on earth. It boasts academic acclaim with Bob Jones and Clemson Universities. It is also home to the Clemson Tigers football team. Nestled in the base of The Blue Ridge Mountains. Like so many towns in South Carolina the completion of the railroad brought growth and in 1874 the town of Easley was established. The friendly downtown area includes speciality shops and restaurants.
We are going to launch Healing Ministries and Evangelism right in the heart of this influential and diverse community.
That’s why we are calling this the “Welcome Home” campaign. We want to bring people home: to Christ, to eternity, and to God’s family.
Opposition awaits. We’ve all heard the East coast is the “preacher’s graveyard.” A biblical worldview wars against the intellectual ideologies and nominalism that are prevalent here. Yet we’ve determined to make Munford’s Healing Ministries and Evangelism home to the people of Easley and Greenville. Our goal is to have a small group in our home and to reach our neighbours, and also to have new people attend Indian Upstate Fellowship Church.
We are uniquely qualified and called to reach this community with our background from Kyrgyzstan days.
We’ve lived here, worked here, and mobilized here 10 years ago as you know.
Our past mobilization and college ministry experience has been vital in helping us understand student life and building relationships with people from diverse backgrounds.
We are talented, diverse, and have caught the vision to reach the unreached Muslim population and the lost and broken here in the heart of Easley and Greenville.
We have the endorsement of other local pastors. Our heart is to reach Easley and Greenville…together.
Would you give financially to launch Healing Ministries and Evangelism?
Chris and I have already given to this launch. I will be working a part-time day job to supplement the ministry’s income. Balancing time and energy is a sacrifice, but we’re completely sold out to this vision.
Would you join us in giving to the launch of Healing Ministries and Evangelism?
Our goal is to raise $2,000 a month towards gasoline and maintenance of our car, for driving to hospitals and churches and people’s homes to pray for healing. We live 45 minutes away from our main area of ministry.
Our Financial Breakdown:
$500 – will help Chris and I devote ourselves to leading Healing Ministries and Evangelism full-time and to build a team. At the moment we just have the one car.
$500 – marketing. This includes print materials, direct mailers, a website revamp. Part of the challenge in an urban environment is being seen and heard above the noise. We want to meet people where they’re at: online and just about anywhere.
$5,00 – outreach. We love serving our community, but it costs money. We will engage in 3-4 large-scale community outreach initiatives between now and September to build stronger relationships and gain exposure.
$5,00 – Hospitality-food, gas, heating, electric, last-minute expenditures, and discipleship needs and unforeseen expenses.
Individual one-time donations.
This is an individual breakdown of what we would need to reach our financial goal. Would you take one of these slots?
20 people at $100.00
Your gift will be handled with complete integrity through the 501C3 organization of
In closing…
Our goal is not just a one-time event or a blip on the screen. We’ve diligently prepared ourselves for this ministry
We’re here to make disciples of Christ in Greenville. Healing Ministries and Evangelism will be a life-giving ministry that we believe will impact the wider church with your help.
Help us launch a life-giving ministry in the heart of Easley and wider Greenville and beyond. Help us launch Healing and Evangelism Ministries. Help us bring the people of Greenville home.
Chris and Linda
Healing Ministries and Evangelism